Well, today is the first day of Chinese New Year. First and foremost I would like to ask readers, how much did you earn* today? hahaa
(I know you will read my post, but what I hope is to let you understand what I feel. No offence. Cause I also don't want to lose you as my friend.)
Actually, I planned to drop by my friend's house and at the same time got some angpau from her parents (I'm not greedy k..) . Before that, I informed her first. [call lo] But you know what, it's totally crest fallen for me. Now Chinese New Year right, it's normal for ones to visit friends' and relatives' house. But why and how could she replied me with her atonished voice: Why you want come my house? (a bit hurt, I also get shocked how could you say this to me.) Then, I had cancelled the plan.
Sorry if there's anything hurts you. Friendship forever. =)
This morning, when i was going to bring tangerines to Indian friends, I was astonished to hear the miserable news from them --- Our beloved teacher, En. Sharafudin had passed away in this morning. So sorry to hear that.(T.T) He was my Form 1 Kedah BM teacher. Even though he teached me just ONE year, 3 years later he still remembered my name. He saw me, He called my name. What a kind teacher! (Although sometimes we doubted his ability of teaching as during the class he would fall asleep. But you know, actually he was sick for long time ago. I discovered that every morning he would take medicine and getting sleepy. I'm sorry because of that.)
The time the malays recited the morning prayers, the ustaz declared the news. The whole school mourned for him. I can't hold my tears when the ustaz claimed the real time of his death which was 5.30am. (That time, everyone was still sleeping on the bed, for granted.) I cried under my breath. (Don't laugh at me. >.<) [ I notice that many death news can be heard in 2010. An unfortunate year?]
The sky was still blue, the sweattering sun still remained. But there's a change on this earth, one person was departed, I think more than one. In other place, other state, other country. So, may everyone cherishes your loved one. Now and always.
Sometime, do you think it's better than you don't know the truth rather than know about something? Something that will hurt you, deep in the core.
Heard some people said or agree that,年龄不是问题,高度不是距离,体重不是压力。Of course I'm not facing three of them, what I want to say is a bit related with distance. it's quite impossible for me and you*. I know it. So, what can I do is just keep on dreaming and imagining. ( Don't ever think I'm sick. As if you miss someone, you will do the same thing as me. =) Right? )
p/s: I can't wait for June! (but I also hope that he'll be there for me too.)