December 29, 2009

A New Start!

Hey, everyone!
I know I had been a long time no updating my blog. Sorry~~ =)

As you all know, it's easy to judge people.
eg 1: eii, that boy so leng zai lerh..
eg 2: A: eii, she write the essays so well!
B: Aiya, u dun know meh, her english so pro de..
eg 3: that one, XXX so clever, his/her future sure very bright and do a good job.

BUT, it's hard to know your own personality, ability and resposibility. I think we should always ask ourselves. Who am I actually? How the person am I? Some people just follow their friends blindly. For instant, the place of tuition, take what subjects, read novels (espeacially English), the wearing style, buy branded thing (for action)...I think those examples always happen in your surroundings. Right?

But to tell you the truth, I'm not really know that what kind of person am I. I need someone to tell me about that if you find something of me. I know a theory of, when you come to this world, don't care how pretty or ugly you are, how high or low IQ and EQ you got, how lucky or unlucky you are, how rich or poor you are, You should do your best, play your own role. And I start to be myself now. =) Finding.. The real side of me....

December 27, 2009

TAGged by Hannee..

1. 你的名字 - 张慧君
2. 最近最鬱闷的事? - haven't hang out with friends and my weight..arghhh
3. 最受不了自己的哪个缺点? - 哭包,批评人
4. 遇到喜欢的人,你会勇敢表白还是默默关注?- 默默关注…后…再勇敢表白…哈哈
5. 说出点你名的人3个优点(不可删除):是我的最好的聆听者,能够体谅(我…嘻嘻!),
6. 以一个形容词形容点名的人的外表 -小孩脸…
7. 你现在最想拥有的是什麼? - 新的电脑!
8. 什麼时候感觉最开心? - playtime lo..
9. 恋人/老公/老婆让你最欣赏的优点是什麼?- play basketball very well, English well too =)
10.说出5个好朋友 - Hannee (only gua..haiz)
11.现在最想做的事? - some preparations for next year
12.接下来最想去旅行的国家或城市 ? - 欧洲,台湾
13.你为什麼要回答这些问题 ? - maybe through this quiz, other people will know more about me
14.你觉得点你名的这个人是什麼样的个性 ? - "qing xu hua"
15.什麼时候觉得孤独 ? - 没有朋友的陪伴加上家人的
16.最近一次掉眼泪是 ? - 2009 Christmas Day
17.请列出喜欢的饮料 ? - 薏米水,苹果汁
18.家人重要还是伴侣重要 ? - 家人
19.你希望点你名的人成为你的 ? - 永远拆不散的死党!

December 4, 2009

爱疯了 戴佩妮

不敢问 却一直想问 你心里藏着什么人
不敢猜 却一直想猜 如回去有没有可能
我不够完整 你给的从来不够完整
你一个语气都无法确认 这种缺乏是什么象征
不开灯 我不要开灯 我身边容不下别的人
不锁门 我不要锁门 你回来是一种信任
我那么的认真 去思考你对我的认真
或许是多么伤害人而 结论始终是疑问
我爱疯了 我疯到自己痛也不晓得
我不管了 我不管这伤口能不能愈合
我尊重我的 选择
我想我 疯了