Hey, everyone!
I know I had been a long time no updating my blog. Sorry~~ =)
As you all know, it's easy to judge people.
eg 1: eii, that boy so leng zai lerh..
eg 2: A: eii, she write the essays so well!
B: Aiya, u dun know meh, her english so pro de..
eg 3: that one, XXX so clever, his/her future sure very bright and do a good job.
BUT, it's hard to know your own personality, ability and resposibility. I think we should always ask ourselves. Who am I actually? How the person am I? Some people just follow their friends blindly. For instant, the place of tuition, take what subjects, read novels (espeacially English), the wearing style, buy branded thing (for action)...I think those examples always happen in your surroundings. Right?
But to tell you the truth, I'm not really know that what kind of person am I. I need someone to tell me about that if you find something of me. I know a theory of, when you come to this world, don't care how pretty or ugly you are, how high or low IQ and EQ you got, how lucky or unlucky you are, how rich or poor you are, You should do your best, play your own role. And I start to be myself now. =) Finding.. The real side of me....
December 29, 2009
December 27, 2009
TAGged by Hannee..
1. 你的名字 - 张慧君
2. 最近最鬱闷的事? - haven't hang out with friends and my weight..arghhh
3. 最受不了自己的哪个缺点? - 哭包,批评人
4. 遇到喜欢的人,你会勇敢表白还是默默关注?- 默默关注…后…再勇敢表白…哈哈
5. 说出点你名的人3个优点(不可删除):是我的最好的聆听者,能够体谅(我…嘻嘻!),
6. 以一个形容词形容点名的人的外表 -小孩脸…
7. 你现在最想拥有的是什麼? - 新的电脑!
8. 什麼时候感觉最开心? - playtime lo..
9. 恋人/老公/老婆让你最欣赏的优点是什麼?- play basketball very well, English well too =)
10.说出5个好朋友 - Hannee (only gua..haiz)
11.现在最想做的事? - erm..do some preparations for next year
12.接下来最想去旅行的国家或城市 ? - 欧洲,台湾
13.你为什麼要回答这些问题 ? - maybe through this quiz, other people will know more about me
14.你觉得点你名的这个人是什麼样的个性 ? - "qing xu hua"
15.什麼时候觉得孤独 ? - 没有朋友的陪伴加上家人的
16.最近一次掉眼泪是 ? - 2009 Christmas Day
17.请列出喜欢的饮料 ? - 薏米水,苹果汁
18.家人重要还是伴侣重要 ? - 家人
19.你希望点你名的人成为你的 ? - 永远拆不散的死党!
2. 最近最鬱闷的事? - haven't hang out with friends and my weight..arghhh
3. 最受不了自己的哪个缺点? - 哭包,批评人
4. 遇到喜欢的人,你会勇敢表白还是默默关注?- 默默关注…后…再勇敢表白…哈哈
5. 说出点你名的人3个优点(不可删除):是我的最好的聆听者,能够体谅(我…嘻嘻!),
6. 以一个形容词形容点名的人的外表 -小孩脸…
7. 你现在最想拥有的是什麼? - 新的电脑!
8. 什麼时候感觉最开心? - playtime lo..
9. 恋人/老公/老婆让你最欣赏的优点是什麼?- play basketball very well, English well too =)
10.说出5个好朋友 - Hannee (only gua..haiz)
11.现在最想做的事? - erm..do some preparations for next year
12.接下来最想去旅行的国家或城市 ? - 欧洲,台湾
13.你为什麼要回答这些问题 ? - maybe through this quiz, other people will know more about me
14.你觉得点你名的这个人是什麼样的个性 ? - "qing xu hua"
15.什麼时候觉得孤独 ? - 没有朋友的陪伴加上家人的
16.最近一次掉眼泪是 ? - 2009 Christmas Day
17.请列出喜欢的饮料 ? - 薏米水,苹果汁
18.家人重要还是伴侣重要 ? - 家人
19.你希望点你名的人成为你的 ? - 永远拆不散的死党!
December 4, 2009
爱疯了 戴佩妮
不敢猜 却一直想猜 如回去有没有可能
我不够完整 你给的从来不够完整
你一个语气都无法确认 这种缺乏是什么象征
不开灯 我不要开灯 我身边容不下别的人
不锁门 我不要锁门 你回来是一种信任
我那么的认真 去思考你对我的认真
或许是多么伤害人而 结论始终是疑问
我爱疯了 我疯到自己痛也不晓得
我不管了 我不管这伤口能不能愈合
我尊重我的 选择
我想我 疯了
November 28, 2009
Everything is just A Past...
Hi, dudes!
Erm..I'm tidying my Form1, 2 and 3 reference books up actually. The books are all in a mess and covered with thick dust! There are some books on my table too. Keep sneezzing when arranging those books on the shelfs. The dust particles also cause my skin feel itchy~~Hate the feeling!
In between the books, I find something that makes me recall someone else whom I shouldn't to think about. And I left all my books behind and come blogging. It's a cardboard, written there his name. It happened last year, a camp. [Sorry, I don't want to spell it out what camp is it.] This cardboard is used to let others people know who you are. He asked me to keep it as...I didn't know what for, maybe it's just a memory.
And now, I'm not in a relationship with him anymore. The cardboard will also be sold together with my exercises for recycling. It symbolises nothing for me, and him too. As, Everything is just A Past. And he is just one of my life's passengers. [I think the word of passenger is suitable to describe him barh]
ps: Hehe... It's time for me to keep going to do with my books. Have a nice day!
Erm..I'm tidying my Form1, 2 and 3 reference books up actually. The books are all in a mess and covered with thick dust! There are some books on my table too. Keep sneezzing when arranging those books on the shelfs. The dust particles also cause my skin feel itchy~~Hate the feeling!
In between the books, I find something that makes me recall someone else whom I shouldn't to think about. And I left all my books behind and come blogging. It's a cardboard, written there his name. It happened last year, a camp. [Sorry, I don't want to spell it out what camp is it.] This cardboard is used to let others people know who you are. He asked me to keep it as...I didn't know what for, maybe it's just a memory.
And now, I'm not in a relationship with him anymore. The cardboard will also be sold together with my exercises for recycling. It symbolises nothing for me, and him too. As, Everything is just A Past. And he is just one of my life's passengers. [I think the word of passenger is suitable to describe him barh]
ps: Hehe... It's time for me to keep going to do with my books. Have a nice day!
November 24, 2009
How to become an Ideal Friend (copy)
Its not easy becoming a friend or making one because a friend is not a state of mind. Its real and its in your face. A friend is someone who makes your life worth its while a little more than yesterday. While everybody has their own definitions of a "friend", the long and short of it is we all need friends to make our lives better.
In friendship "honesty" is the key word.
One should always be honest to his or her friends.
Don't overlook their faults, even if you have none for you are his friend!
Praise them honestly and openly.
Say you're sorry, when you hurt your friend.
Don't let them assume it.
Be there when they need you or you may wind up alone.
Love them unconditionally, that is the only condition.
Make them feel special, because aren't we all special?
Never forget them, who wants to feel forgotten.
Cheer them on, we all need encouragement now and then.
Encourage their dreams and aspiration, Life seems almost meaningless without them.
Your words count, use them wisely.
Use good judgement.
Wish them luck, hopefully good Eamine your motives before you "help" out
Just be there when they need you
Really listen, a friendly ear is a soothing balm
Forgive them for, "To Err is Human", and you just may end up making the same mistakes in course of time..
Have faith in them. For, there is no love without trust.
Zip your lips when they confide in you
Know when they need a hug, and couldn't you use one?
Offer to help, and know when " No thanks" is just politeness
Quietly disagree, noisy No's make enemies
Verbalsise your feelings
Get together often, misery loves company, so does glee.
Talk frequently, communication is important.
Enjoying your friendship is the order of the day. So its not what we call a friendship if you don't feel right.Always remember a friendship is worth it when you are able to enjoy the amazing relationship with no holds barred. Its a mutual bond for life that you cant give up.
In friendship "honesty" is the key word.
One should always be honest to his or her friends.
Don't overlook their faults, even if you have none for you are his friend!
Praise them honestly and openly.
Say you're sorry, when you hurt your friend.
Don't let them assume it.
Be there when they need you or you may wind up alone.
Love them unconditionally, that is the only condition.
Make them feel special, because aren't we all special?
Never forget them, who wants to feel forgotten.
Cheer them on, we all need encouragement now and then.
Encourage their dreams and aspiration, Life seems almost meaningless without them.
Your words count, use them wisely.
Use good judgement.
Wish them luck, hopefully good Eamine your motives before you "help" out
Just be there when they need you
Really listen, a friendly ear is a soothing balm
Forgive them for, "To Err is Human", and you just may end up making the same mistakes in course of time..
Have faith in them. For, there is no love without trust.
Zip your lips when they confide in you
Know when they need a hug, and couldn't you use one?
Offer to help, and know when " No thanks" is just politeness
Quietly disagree, noisy No's make enemies
Verbalsise your feelings
Get together often, misery loves company, so does glee.
Talk frequently, communication is important.
Enjoying your friendship is the order of the day. So its not what we call a friendship if you don't feel right.Always remember a friendship is worth it when you are able to enjoy the amazing relationship with no holds barred. Its a mutual bond for life that you cant give up.
November 22, 2009
StarScene that you never seen..=)
I don't want you to be my best friend
And I want you to be my boy friend
Then you will be the prince and i will be the princess
But when I nearly reach the door of success
You just ignore and show me your ass.
And I want you to be my boy friend
Then you will be the prince and i will be the princess
But when I nearly reach the door of success
You just ignore and show me your ass.
My love is true
And the sky is blue
When I feel blue
When I feel blue
My dream will never come true!
You think you are rich?
But actually you're just a bitch!
Which is the nicest saw that you ever seen before?
Of course is Rachel Saw larh..XD
ps: The ideas were came out all from my mind last night. [it was around 2 something in the morning..haha] No offence. =)
November 21, 2009
Just now I really want to cry..
Erm, I just come back from Star Parade. On the way back home, mum, bro and I were facing to the awesome music from my dad. Suffering in the car. Arghh~~
You know, my family never have heart-to-heart conversation. Everything just keep inside the heart. And this, causes many troubles. Couldn't solve them, until now. Sometimes, I really want to have a try to communicate with my parents, especially my dad. Maybe you think that he is funny, likes to make jokes. But actually he is Not! Not okay!
Sigh~~Maybe the saying is right. "家家有本难念的经", but I hope I can read it without any matters.
You know, my family never have heart-to-heart conversation. Everything just keep inside the heart. And this, causes many troubles. Couldn't solve them, until now. Sometimes, I really want to have a try to communicate with my parents, especially my dad. Maybe you think that he is funny, likes to make jokes. But actually he is Not! Not okay!
Sigh~~Maybe the saying is right. "家家有本难念的经", but I hope I can read it without any matters.
November 19, 2009
What is Love?
Love is really complicated! Don't you think so? huh?
After watching Gossip Girls, I just realise that, guys can even have 2 girl firends or more than that at the same time. And, a person's love history really makes each other jealous, envy, angry, and even make him or her misunderstand when his or her ex come back to find them.
When I watched this part, I think like..Gosh..I don't know how to deal with it. So sick about it.
Love is blind
Always makes me cry
You just ruin my life
And I nearly die
After watching Gossip Girls, I just realise that, guys can even have 2 girl firends or more than that at the same time. And, a person's love history really makes each other jealous, envy, angry, and even make him or her misunderstand when his or her ex come back to find them.
When I watched this part, I think like..Gosh..I don't know how to deal with it. So sick about it.
Love is blind
Always makes me cry
You just ruin my life
And I nearly die
by Scene
I symbolise nothing for YOU
A Message from KX [in chinese]
只要是要了的东西都是要定了 [maybe that's true]
三年后你就是变成 长命相!
I receive it since two months ago. You know, until now, I not yet delete it. Should I trust it ? Better than no trust?
I'm trying to avoid it happens. Sometimes I beg my parents for something, I recall this message. And finally I get the thing I want. My life is getting shorter at the moment?
Yesterday I was so hyperactive. Suffering from Isomnia. Hop onto the bed at 1a.m. something.
But even the time was showing 3 something already, I not yet got into the dreamland. [maybe I keep thinking something, someone] Feel dizzy now. Just come back from wet market. What a sleepless night!
ps: The whole night I was hearing Crazier by Taylor Swift, thank Rachel a lot for recommending me this awesome song. I like the chorus part as he really makes me crazier. And I'm really Fallin' for YOU, by Colbie Caillat.
只要是要了的东西都是要定了 [maybe that's true]
三年后你就是变成 长命相!
I receive it since two months ago. You know, until now, I not yet delete it. Should I trust it ? Better than no trust?
I'm trying to avoid it happens. Sometimes I beg my parents for something, I recall this message. And finally I get the thing I want. My life is getting shorter at the moment?
Yesterday I was so hyperactive. Suffering from Isomnia. Hop onto the bed at 1a.m. something.
But even the time was showing 3 something already, I not yet got into the dreamland. [maybe I keep thinking something, someone] Feel dizzy now. Just come back from wet market. What a sleepless night!
ps: The whole night I was hearing Crazier by Taylor Swift, thank Rachel a lot for recommending me this awesome song. I like the chorus part as he really makes me crazier. And I'm really Fallin' for YOU, by Colbie Caillat.
November 17, 2009
Falling For You~~
Hi, dudes!
That Lawatan ke Muzium Negeri Kedah was spoilt. Don't know why teacher said that trip "tak jadi". Damn it! So, we just chit chat in the science lab. Some of them were saying people's bad thingy, imitating their disgusting actions and so on. I didn't join. As it's so crappy.
Just now I went back to my primary school, SJK (C) Kee Chee --- Stardard 6 graduation. As my brother got third prize in drawing competition, so i went there be his camera-girl lo. =) Besides me, Yi Jing and the Gang went there too. Hanging out with them. Walked here and there. Our previous 6 Ungu class teacher, Miss Lee asked us to take some pictures with her. This is one of them.

Heee..1 Malaysia!
Overall, it's quite joyful. Met some old friends there too.
November 15, 2009
"I'm Yours"
I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait, I'm yours!
----Jason Mraz
by Donna Karan New York
ps: Tomorrow go -- Lawatan ke Muzium Negeri Kedah. Go to bed lo. Good night, Dear~~
November 12, 2009
Having Fun in Class 3M!
'Happiness is when what you think,what you say,and what you do are in harmony'- Mahatma Gandhi
Hi, my dearest dudes!
I skipped school today. I felt so sorrowful to my friends as my irresposible deed. Let you all done the project. Thousands of sorry to You!
Yesterday, for non-Muslims, the whole day in school was freeee. We stayed in Class 3M having Fun! Hahaha..I just get the photos from Xing. Now, it's Show Time. XD
Hi, my dearest dudes!
I skipped school today. I felt so sorrowful to my friends as my irresposible deed. Let you all done the project. Thousands of sorry to You!
Yesterday, for non-Muslims, the whole day in school was freeee. We stayed in Class 3M having Fun! Hahaha..I just get the photos from Xing. Now, it's Show Time. XD
Watch this! What a healthy+funny activity! wakakaka..Actually Hannee and me planned to go ASRC to play badminton after school, so she brought the rackets and shuttlecock to school. Surely you'll be speechless when you see this picture. =)
Besides that, we also played cards like monopoly [ps: I don't know how to play it] and poker cards. But not gambling okay~~ =) We are good students lerh. How could it happen among us. XD
ps: I like You! Wanna know how You feel, Wanna know what is real. But, maybe I'm just an extra among you all. [big sigh]
November 10, 2009
带我走 杨丞琳
交叉路口 自己生活
某个角落 就你和我
像天空缠绵雨的汹涌 在你的身后
计算的步伐 每个背影 每个场景
带我走 到遥远的以后
带走我 一个人自转的寂寞
带我走 就算我的爱 你的自由都将成为泡沫
我不怕 带我走
November 6, 2009
Hope I'll be There. Right Now! Without any Doubts!
'To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others'----Francois Mauriac
Hi, dudes!
Recently, I'm suffering from illness. Mr. Sore Throat, Ms. Cold and Mr. Cough came visit me suddenly without any greetings. LOL..Now, I feel better, especially the moment when I'm chatting with him. Feeling good! Not good, is absolutely Great! [ in heaven =) ]
Tomorrow, he and his friends will go out to celebrate their friend's birthday, is a girl. As I know, they are going to wear like couples, but that's not real couple larh, it's just action only. Each pair will put on same colour shirts. It is about 5 pairs maybe. Cool man! It sounds like crazy, right? But I think it that's quite nice too, don't you?
Here people won't do such crazy things. Am I right? [ My opinions] Firstly, there are no gentle man among my friends, especially Form 3 guys. They are freaking crap! Keep talking nonsense. Secondly, my parents are strict and sensitive. I know they care me, love me. But then, sometimes I feel like their actions a bit over. So, most of the time I just stay at home watching TV, playing facebook games, listening to the songs and so on. Well, I won't blame them. If that's previous me, I think I will. Now, what can I do is study hard and wait more 2 years. Then I'll be set free. Freedom, I'm coming soon!
When he tell me all those things, I feel envy with him and his friends. During night, I keep imaging to fulfil my silly desire. Hope I'll be there. Right now! Without any doubts!
Hi, dudes!
Recently, I'm suffering from illness. Mr. Sore Throat, Ms. Cold and Mr. Cough came visit me suddenly without any greetings. LOL..Now, I feel better, especially the moment when I'm chatting with him. Feeling good! Not good, is absolutely Great! [ in heaven =) ]
Tomorrow, he and his friends will go out to celebrate their friend's birthday, is a girl. As I know, they are going to wear like couples, but that's not real couple larh, it's just action only. Each pair will put on same colour shirts. It is about 5 pairs maybe. Cool man! It sounds like crazy, right? But I think it that's quite nice too, don't you?
Here people won't do such crazy things. Am I right? [ My opinions] Firstly, there are no gentle man among my friends, especially Form 3 guys. They are freaking crap! Keep talking nonsense. Secondly, my parents are strict and sensitive. I know they care me, love me. But then, sometimes I feel like their actions a bit over. So, most of the time I just stay at home watching TV, playing facebook games, listening to the songs and so on. Well, I won't blame them. If that's previous me, I think I will. Now, what can I do is study hard and wait more 2 years. Then I'll be set free. Freedom, I'm coming soon!
When he tell me all those things, I feel envy with him and his friends. During night, I keep imaging to fulfil my silly desire. Hope I'll be there. Right now! Without any doubts!
November 2, 2009
开不了口 让他知道
If music be the food of love, play on. ----- William Shakespear
Hi, dudes. How was the day?
Today's speech, i rate it as 3/10. The rest of 7 is full of boredom. The teacher teached us somemore how to put on the tudung.@@ [ ps: I'm not MALAY girl okay. ] Well, my friends and I almost kept on chatting at the side even we sat at the first row. [ wink + proud of us XD ]
I brought my handset to school today. I sms to him early in the morning. But he replied me at 1.35pm. I think he was sitting for the final exam. Anyway, I didn't blame at him =).
One-sided love is quite suffering. How do you think about it? Keep thinking and dreaming all those stuffs of thing. Fed up with it. Should I end all such things?
ps: When I was waiting for my mum, a sudden feeling was floating in my mind. I wanna say Sorry to you as my pure thinking. Sorry....
Hi, dudes. How was the day?
Today's speech, i rate it as 3/10. The rest of 7 is full of boredom. The teacher teached us somemore how to put on the tudung.@@ [ ps: I'm not MALAY girl okay. ] Well, my friends and I almost kept on chatting at the side even we sat at the first row. [ wink + proud of us XD ]
I brought my handset to school today. I sms to him early in the morning. But he replied me at 1.35pm. I think he was sitting for the final exam. Anyway, I didn't blame at him =).
One-sided love is quite suffering. How do you think about it? Keep thinking and dreaming all those stuffs of thing. Fed up with it. Should I end all such things?
ps: When I was waiting for my mum, a sudden feeling was floating in my mind. I wanna say Sorry to you as my pure thinking. Sorry....
October 27, 2009
Hi..It just is a quick, short updated. So tired after coming back from 九王爷游行…There was no handsome guys can be seen along the journey (sighed) He is better..Weee =) ]
Overall, I'm quite happy as I had gained a great experience. But the journey was quite a long distance. I walked till my back in pain and loss of energy. Fortunately, Zhi Xing's dad was kinda kind ..=) He treated us a feast at San Sui kopitiam.
Now, restoring my energy. It's just 40% full only.
I din chat with him today at all. Hmm..a bit upset. Quite.
ps: Since that day, 24 October, I keep thinking of you.Days and
nights. Wherever and whenever. My mind is full of you. Am I getting crazy?
I miss you. Do you?
Overall, I'm quite happy as I had gained a great experience. But the journey was quite a long distance. I walked till my back in pain and loss of energy. Fortunately, Zhi Xing's dad was kinda kind ..=) He treated us a feast at San Sui kopitiam.
Now, restoring my energy. It's just 40% full only.
I din chat with him today at all. Hmm..a bit upset. Quite.
ps: Since that day, 24 October, I keep thinking of you.Days and
nights. Wherever and whenever. My mind is full of you. Am I getting crazy?
I miss you. Do you?
October 25, 2009
Love Story =)

I close my eyes and the flashback starts
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air.
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.
See you make your way through the crowd
and say hello
Little did I know
That you were Romeo; you were throwing pebbles,
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet."
And I was crying on the staircase,
begging you, 'Please, don't go.
And I said,"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'
So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew.
So close your eyes;
escape this town for a little while.
'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said "Stay away from Juliet,"
But you were everything to me;
I was begging you, 'Please, don't go,'
I got tired of waiting
wondering if you were ever coming around
My faith in you is fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town,and I said
Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone
I keep waiting for you but you never come
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring
And said, marry me Juliet
You'll neverhave to be alone
I love you and that's all I really know
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress
It's a love story, baby just say "Yes"
ps: Sometimes we have a huge crush on someone, no need to own him or her..
Keep in hearts..That's all..=)
Good night, guys.
I Love Ferris Wheel =)

Last two days, I was suffering from water shortage. Water is very crucial to us. Really. I was compelled to go to my aunt's house to take a bath. [sighed] During midnight, when it was about 3 am there got water supply. So, mum had to wake up to wash clothes and so on. [ Can't help mummy out..Haizz ]
ps: Yesterday--- Extra happiness was due to my sleepless night..=) Well. I am very happy!
October 20, 2009
- Do you ever think about what is your responsibility since you was born? -
[if there is free time, think about it =) ]
It is raining slightly, cloudy sky. Recently, I'm quite vexed with some stupid stuffs (a list of school activities). School life after PMR is not so satisfied by everyone. [ I think so.] Just some activities like Sehari di tasik, lawatan ke Penang, bowling and lawatan sambil belajar are quite great. Cause no need squeeze our brain to think for something else. Today's tayangan video made me sleepy. Firstly i thought that it would be a pretty nice, interesting movie. Finally it comes out a person giving a talk about how to build self-confidence. Same as ceramah. Boring~~
p/s: wee..I'm not going to school tomorrow. =) Do miss me
[if there is free time, think about it =) ]
It is raining slightly, cloudy sky. Recently, I'm quite vexed with some stupid stuffs (a list of school activities). School life after PMR is not so satisfied by everyone. [ I think so.] Just some activities like Sehari di tasik, lawatan ke Penang, bowling and lawatan sambil belajar are quite great. Cause no need squeeze our brain to think for something else. Today's tayangan video made me sleepy. Firstly i thought that it would be a pretty nice, interesting movie. Finally it comes out a person giving a talk about how to build self-confidence. Same as ceramah. Boring~~
p/s: wee..I'm not going to school tomorrow. =) Do miss me
October 19, 2009
I was just out from toilet..TT Before that, I was Bullied by A Small Black LIZARD! So Awful! It dropped on my arm. But at that moment I was not sure about it, thought that was just its shit. When I looked it up, screamed like HELL!! AHHHHHHH..What the F***! So disgusting! This was the second time already. TT
p/s: Hope there is no LIZARD Bullies anymore in my life! >.<
p/s: Hope there is no LIZARD Bullies anymore in my life! >.<
October 17, 2009
It's Friday..=)

Good morning, guys! =) The sun shines so brightly today. It's holiday. So my dear Friends, got plan to go any where? Actually this morning i gonna play badminton with Honey. Haizz..She has no transport. This is due to last minute lo. Luckily, i din go out yet.If not, I'm sure facing music from my mum..$%^%$#$##%^@#$$ [ yawning ] Haha..Now I'm listening Shut Up! by Simple Plan. I have roti canai as my breakfast. =] You also go having your meal ba!
Weee...later noon mum gonna treat us Mc, but the most happiest is my little bro lo.His lovely DRUMSTICK is over there!
Okay. I hope you guys have a wonderful Friday! Enjoy ya!
by Scene 16 oct 2009, 0920
October 14, 2009
公路 纵贯线
打开车的窗 太阳在头上
公路的右方 无边的海洋
我怀疑我的梦想 已经变了样
如果你有所期待 很抱歉 我会让你失望
摸索着未来 却一直回头望
有些放不下 有些不想忘
我知道你会感伤 但我已没有办法
总是要学着遗忘 学着疗伤
总要跌跌撞撞 才找到答案
你说我总是荒唐 我承认我是荒唐
过去美丽时光 顺着海浪
流向未知远方 跟过去做个了断
让我的心去流浪 我要离开这地方
而我却一错再错 离开你也是错
我只能这样做 也请你原谅我这样做
我们曾经爱过 对我来说已经足够
October 13, 2009
Finally Pmr is over..Hurray!! Principal is so kind, we have 4 days holidays =) Weee...But my Panda eyes..Gosh! Become darker and darker..not enough sleep..@@ arghh..I almost slept for 4 hours only during exam week.It's time for me to sleep puas puas already XD Without worried !
September 26, 2009
September 23, 2009
This, Too, Shall Past..
Today is a sunny day. Hot! Well, everything is fine. PMR is around the corner. PMR candidates, are you ready for it? I'm not. Sigh..Now I keep on reading History. But I can't concentrate 100%. Damn! What I gonna to do..There is one song, repeating in my mind.
再一次拥有(have it once again) --龚诗嘉
Hear the song. You will know what I'm thinking about.
September 21, 2009
I dream about I am sitting for exam. But the most terrible in my dream is what i had studied is not the subject for that day. I feel shocked seriously. Luckily it is not in reality. Sigh..Don't know why can't concentrate. Gosh~ I start getting nervous now. God Bless Me! Maybe i think too much about something..
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